IFRS: A Primer

by Lisa Weaver

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are adopted by companies across the globe. This course provides you with an overview of IFRS, why it is important and how it relates to other accounting standards.

price £75+vat
cpd hours 4 CPD hours
access 120 days' access

This course will enable you to

  • Find out about the core aspects of financial reporting under IFRS
  • Understand the importance of IFRS and the role of The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
  • Get to grips with the standards and how they are applied in practice, including accounting for assets and liabilities
  • Understand the IFRS framework and how it relates to other local standards
  • Refresh your knowledge and understanding of IFRS

About the course

Companies all over the world account under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) so as an accountant it's important to have a grasp on these standards and how they are applied.

Whether you're looking for a refresher or just want to familiarise yourself with IFRS, this course provides an overview of IFRS and how to report under these standards. Not only will you learn about the IFRS regulatory framework, fundamental accounting concepts, and developing accounting policies, you'll also explore how to account for assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.

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  • An introduction to the IFRS regime
    • What is IFRS?
    • IASB and the IFRS Standards
    • The IFRS for SMEs
    • Not for everyone?
    • Global adoption of IFRS
  • IFRS financial statements
    • Explaining accounting policies
    • IAS 8 and accounting policies
    • Formatting financial statements
    • Presentation of financial statements
    • The statement of financial position
    • The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
    • The statement of changes in equity
    • The statement of cash flows
  • Accounting for assets
    • Understanding assets
    • Assets - definitions and concepts
    • Property, plant and equipment
    • Measurement subsequent to initial recognition
    • Intangible assets
    • Measuring and categorising intangible assets
    • Understanding impairment
    • The impairment of assets
    • Current assets
  • Accounting for liabilities
    • Liabilities and provisions
    • Definitions and concepts
    • Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
    • Contingent assets
    • Specific types of provision
    • A new standard for leasing
    • Leasing
    • Financial liabilities
  • Accounting for revenue and discontinued operations
    • Definitions and concepts
    • Revenue recognition
    • The importance of revenue recognition
    • Recognising revenue over time
    • Discontinued operations
    • Presenting discontinued operations

How it works


Lisa Weaver

After qualifying (ICAEW), Lisa spent several years in audit practice with Deloitte and was part of the national audit training faculty at KPMG. Since leaving practice, Lisa has worked in a variety of education-focused roles, including executive education and has maintained strong links with the accountancy professional bodies.



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Access period120 days
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